Mental Health: Living with a Condition

Mental Health: Living with a Condition

Altura Learning


Course Description: Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are long term mental health conditions. Through interviews with experts and people living w...

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Recognising Dementia, Depression and Delirium

Recognising Dementia, Depression and Delirium

Altura Learning


Course Description: Dementia, depression and delirium are conditions that require individualised support. This course presents how to recognise th...

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Mental Health: Living with Anxiety

Mental Health: Living with Anxiety

Altura Learning


Course Description: Anxiety can be experienced in many ways and can often interrupt a person’s daily living routines. This course identifies diffe...

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Mental Health: Anxiety Disorders

Mental Health: Anxiety Disorders

Altura Learning


Course Description: Anxiety can be experienced in many ways and can often interrupt a person’s daily living routines. This course identifies diffe...

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