Leadership Skills: Communicating with and Supporting a Remote Team

by Altura Learning

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Course Description:

Explore the challenges of leading and supporting a remote team. Identify practical strategies to communicate with and promote collaboration within a team of mobile workers.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this course, participants should be able to:

  • Define the principles of leadership, describing how it differs from management
  • Define the challenges of organisational leadership
  • Define the support needs and requirements of a team of remote workers and how the leadership principles instilled are in a remote team
  • Recognise the specific and added communication challenges associated with working as part of a remote based team
  • Outline the strategies and solutions to overcome the leadership challenges of a remote team

Who is this course appropriate for:

This course is appropriate for Team leaders, RNs, Case Managers, Managers.

Continuing Professional Development Hours:

CPD: This course is worth 0.75 Continuing Professional Development hours.

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